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The purpose of this form is:

To inform the prosecutor of further evidence or information concerning the case

To indicate what forms are submitted with the MG20.


Early notification of changed circumstances or discontinuance will save time and resources for all agencies.

Indicate here whether any aspect of the submission is required urgently.

Must accord with Force protocol.

Insert details of reviewing lawyer where known.

This contact may be the case file builder or person assisting the OIC.

Unique Reference Number (URN) – required on each page.


The purpose of this form is:

To accompany samples submitted for forensic examination

To provide an audit trail

To request provision of details on specific points to prove the case

To provide the scientist with target dates for case management together with a list of exhibits submitted for examination.

Include between times and/or dates where applicable.

Include further details of:

Whether a scientist has attended scene and result of his/her examination.

Is the case linked to previous submissions ?

Does it form part of a serious investigation ?

What are the major lines of enquiry?

The result of pre-charge CPS advice.

The points you want the FPS to prove.

The crime scene assessment.

Result of the Forensic Strategy Group meeting in a major enquiry.

In particular:

Has a crime been committed ? (e.g. is the powder a restricted drug or does the hard disk contain unlawful images?)

When did the crime take place?

Can a suspect be identified for this crime? (e.g. DNA or other means of contact such as fibres).

Can the identified suspect be linked to the victim? (e.g. DNA or other means of contact such as fibres).


Further points to consider for inclusion:

Can the identified suspect be linked to the crime scene? (e.g. DNA or other means of contact such as fibres).

Are there any links between this crime and other crimes?

Are there any links between the suspect and other suspects or crimes?

Is there evidence to corroborate or refute the suspect’s allegation (e.g. tears to clothing tending to show use of force?).

Are there any other specific questions to be addressed?

National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database (NFFID). Must be included for all firearm related offences.

CCTV, crime scene video etc.

These are FSS forms and assist with brief additional information not contained in the MG21.

They are currently only available for specific types of offence, namely:

Assault (non sexual) involving blood and fibres.

Auto crime and burglary involving fibres

Offences involving broken glass

Offences involving footwear impressions.


Include all


Arrest/Summons number must relate to this particular suspect.

All relevant target dates must correspond with those recorded on MG6.


Use this part of form MG21 to list and describe individually the items submitted for scientific examination and to show continuity for delivery and receipt of submissions.

Full but concise description. No abbreviations.

Must correspond with exhibit label.

Highlight any such risks in column for description of items.





1. It is vitally important that completion of the forms and submission of the samples is conducted expeditiously and, in any event, soon after the capture of harvest of such samples. This will allow for optimum results to be obtained without any degradation of the sample(s) submitted.

2. Due regard must be given by all officers to the joint protocol between police, CPS and FSS when submitting samples for examination. This protocol allows for first stage reports that will provide sufficient information upon which to base a charging decision together with more detailed evaluation reports subsequently that will contain all necessary information to support the trial process as well as any issues that may be raised by the defence.


3. Completion of the MG21.